My Daughter Is Trans. I’m Done Debating Whether She Has a Right to Exist

Abstract from An anti-trans bill mandating genital checks for student athletes recently stalled in Florida. In an op-ed, this local mom says enough is enough.


Jaime Jara

3/8/20241 min read

"Oftentimes, I have to remind myself that she is only 9, because she is such a stoic and resilient human. But because of the wave of anti-trans bills both here in Florida and in other states, I have recently watched that resilience that I so admire start to erode.

All my children have been born and raised in Florida. It is the only home they have ever known. As a family, we are no strangers to the difficult and challenging political climate of the Sunshine State, because we live it every single day. However, when the Florida House advanced a bill that would prohibit Laney from playing team sports with her friends last week, it struck a deeper blow than usual. Dubbed the “Sex Specific Student Sports Bill,” or House Bill 1475, the legislation would require Laney to undergo a genital inspection by adults to prove her gender in order to play on the girls’ team in elementary school, even though her birth certificate correctly identifies her as female."